Mentorship Program

After each edition of ASP, and between consecutive editions, hence continually, the international organizing committee (IOC) manages a mentoring and coaching program for ASP student alumni. This is done in collaboration with the academic advisors of the students. The student alumni are paired up different ASP lecturers whose roles are to follow the academic progress of the students and help as much as possible in the academic development of the students. This programs allows the ASP organizers to maintain contacts with the students after their participation in the school. Many ASP alumni are currently benefiting from this organized support structure that also allows the IOC to better answer the question “what happens to the students after their participation in an edition of ASP?”
It is often the case that passing on knowledge is one of the greatest challenges facing human kind today. While it is hard to pass on, when well directed, “passing on” knowledge can be very successful tool of achieving greatest goals. While experience is the best teacher, attentiveness can take us to greater and advanced degree of knowledge. Learning is a cognitive process that involves management of one’s abilities through effective processes.
The ASP program has been a great success for the past years; the objective of the school is to increase capacity development in fundamental physics and related applications in Africa. The objective is to aid mainly Ph.D. students after their participation in ASP to reach their goal of completing their Ph.D. with assigned mentors to help complete their Ph.D. with much more information from experienced ASP lecturers.
The ASP mentors are not replacements or substitutes of the students’ academics advisors. Rather, ASP mentors work together with students’ academic advisors for great impact. The ASP mentors are volunteer physicists that have lectured at one of the African school of Physics.
The student are selected after satisfying a comprehensive application process.
The aims of the mentorship program is to:
- help build capacity for Africa;
- measure impact of the ASP;
- support students;
- identify obstacles;
- study problem solving trends;
- help manage, direct and differentiate between types students needs;
- identify more physics research and education related challenges in Africa.
In addition for the formal mentorship program, direct interactions between ASP student alumni and ASP lectures are encouraged and occur on a regular basis. Furthermore, we also maintain a list of all the former ASP students, and opportunities for higher education, research and employments are shared and discussed on this list.