The ASP has evolved to be much more than a school. It is a program of actions with directed ethos toward physics as an engine for development in Africa.

Government Engagement

The ASP Forum consists of presentations, talks, discussions and debate in one day during ASP. Local and international policy makers in matters of education and research, lecturers, ASP conference participants, students, teachers, industries, research and education institutes, and the media participate in this event. The objective is to discuss and adapt the role of the ASP program to better align with the research and education priorities of African countries. The ASP Forum program includes talks and discussions around the following, with relevant changes for different host countries:

  • The 4th African Conference of Fundamental and Applied Physics, ACP2025

    September 14-20, 2025
    University of Lomé
    Lomé, Togo

Overview of African School of Physics Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the African School of Physics (ASP)

The ASP has evolved to be much more than a school. It is a program of actions with directed ethos toward physics as an engine for development in Africa.

When is the next ASP?

The 8th African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications, ASP2024 is planned for July 7-21, 2024, at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco.

How do I apply to attend the next ASP?

Applications for the ASP2026 will be open on October 15th, 2025.

What is the African Conference of Physics (ACP)?

The African Conference on Fundamental Physics and Applications, or African Conference on Physics (ACP), is a biennial physics conference organized in connection with the African School of Physics (ASP).

When is the next ACP?

The 4th African Conference of Fundamental Physics and Applications, ACP2025 is planned for September 14-20, 2025, at University of Lome, Togo

How do I register for the next ACP?

Registration and abstract submission are open:

Video from the Third Edition of ASP 2014 held in Dakar, Senegal


What People Say About ASP and ACP