IOC Site Visit to Host Country
ASP2024 Site Visit, February 12-16, 2024
ASP2024 Site Visit Delegation:
Abdelslam Arhrib (AbdelMalek Saadi University Morocco), Kétévi A. Assamagan (BNL, USA), Driss Benchekroun3, Abdelkarim Boskri (Université Hassan II-Casablanca Morocco), Mohamed Chabab (Cadi Ayyad University Morocco), Lalla Btissam Drissi (Mohammed V University Morocco), Farida Fassi (Mohammed V University Morocco), Yassine Hassouni (Mohammed V University Morocco), Abdeslam Hoummada (Université Hassan II-Casablanca Morocco), Tarik Khalla (Cadi Ayyad University Morocco), Mounia Laassiri (Helsinki Institute of Physics Finland), Rajaa Sebihi (Mohammed V University Morocco), Horst Severini (University of Oklahoma, USA), Herman B. White Jr. (Fermilab, USA)
The objectives of the ASP2024 Site Visit:
The objectives of the site visit are to discuss the organizational, logistical, and financial aspects with the LOC, identify where improvements should be made in the logistics and develop a concerted planning toward a successful ASP. After several discussions between the IOC and LOC, both parties agreed to schedule the site visit for February 12-16, 2024. The choice of the date resulted from several considerations, namely the availability of LOC and IOC members, and of local government and university officials. The international delegation consisted of Senior Scientist Emeritus Dr. Herman B. White Jr. (Fermilab), from the IAC, Senior Physicist Dr. Kétévi A. Assamagan (Brookhaven National Laboratory) and Early Career Physicist Dr. Mounia Laassiri (Helsinki Institute of Physics), both from the IOC. Several members of the LOC, led by Prof. Farida Fassi (Mohammed V University) and Prof. Mohamed Chabab (Cadi Ayyad University) joined the international delegation in all engagements with the relevant authorities. The places visited are Rabat and Marrakesh:
- Rabat on February 12-14, for meetings and discussions with central government and university officials as well leaders of major national research institutes, to inform and motivate a national support for ASP2024.
- Marrakesh (the venue of ASP2024) on February 14-16, for a review of the logistics and infrastructure associated with lodging accommodations, university facilities (lecture and experimental halls, educational equipment, and computing), and meetings with university and regional officials.
Related links for the ASP2024 Site Visit:
CNRST: Visite d’une délégation de l’African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications (ASP)
Some photos from the ASP2024 Site Visit:
ASP2020 Site Visit, April 1-5, 2019