The ASP has evolved to be much more than a school. It is a program of actions with directed ethos toward physics as an engine for development in Africa.

Forum for Policy Makers

The ASP Forum consists of presentations, talks, discussions and debate in one day during ASP. Local and international policy makers in matters of education and research, lecturers, ASP conference participants, students, teachers, industries, research and education institutes, and the media participate in this event. The objective is to discuss and adapt the role of the ASP program to better align with the research and education priorities of African countries. The ASP Forum program includes talks and discussions around the following, with relevant changes for different host countries:

  • Welcome address by a member of the local organizing committee;
  • Review of the African School of Physics program;
  • Feedback from one of the students that is attending the current ASP;
  • Guest of Honor address;
  • Host country strategy on research and capacity development;
  • Regional strategy on research and capacity development;
  • Role of industry;
  • Outreach programs of leading international research institutes;
  • Opportunities for capacity development in large scale international projects;
  • Potential for capacity development in new research facilities;
  • Plans for the next ASP;
  • Beyond capacity development and issues of retention.

The results of the ASP Forum are integrated in the ASP program going forward for continuous improvement and adaption of ASP:

  1. Research Facilities as Vehicles for Capacity Development;
  2. Information Technology in Capacity Development’
  3. E-learning and E-lab;
  4. To Increase African Presence in Scientific gatherings—Workshop, Conferences, and Symposia;
  5. To Facilitate Retention.

Details of the scientific agenda of the ASP Forums can be found here: